Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 21 Oct 2024
  • Time: 09:00 - 11:00


The Hearth
The Hearth
Main Road Horsley Northumberland NE15 0NT, United Kingdom


21 Oct 2024


14:00 - 16:00



Watercolour – A fresh start

This course is aimed at total beginners with watercolour plus those who have tried the medium and feel they could do with some guidence about the basis foundational skills.

This 6 week course at The Hearth, Horsley is the perfect way get into watercolour. Your tutor, Jason, is a recognised expert in the medium and is well known for creating a happy, relaxed learning experience. So exploring how to use this lovely medium will be both fun, relaxed and informative. Learning to paint in a ‘real life’ class has the advantage of you meeting like minded people, face to face, where you can take the opportunity to make new friends.

Jason Skill, your tutor, has taught watercolour painting  to adults for more than thirty years. He has taught art for Newcastle University, The Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle City Learning and Newcastle and Gateshead Colleges. He is also a demonstrator for SAA and has his own online educational video business – Studio


Why learn to paint in watercolour?

The art kit is light and portable and so is perfect for using on holiday. Watercolour is the most popular painting medium with leisure painters who love its light, liquid, delicate look. It’s a facinating medium to use because there are so many tricks and techniques that can be explored once, of course, you have understand the basics covered on this course.

On this course Jason will take you though the mechanics of handling watercolour and the materials that watercolourists use.





Day, location and time

Mondays from 14:00 to 16:00 at the Hearth, Horsley


6 weeks – see calendar

Course start date – 9th of September 2024

Cost – £90

Why does Jason think this course would be of value to you as a painter ?

Having someone show you how to paint and be on hand to guide you through the first few weeks of working with watercolour will be a relatively trouble free introduction to making art. For example,having someone explain to you which materials you need and perhaps just as important, what you don’t need, will save you both money and time. In a class you can ask all the questions you want and see first hand how things are done. ‘Watercolour -a fresh start’ will set you on your way with watercolour.

What will you do on the course ?

  • Learn how to make up a basic painting kit
  • Explore how to dilute and mix and apply colour ‘wet on wet’ and ‘wet on dry’
  • Explore how to handle a brush so you can make a wide range of useful paint marks.
  • Paint sky’s ‘wet in wet’ by blotting out cloud shapes.
  • Make flat and graded washes
  • Create some basic landscapes using the skills you have learnt on the course.

What do you need to bring ?

In the first week Jason will be talking you through the materials watercolour painters use, so that you can make informed choices about the basic painting kit you put together. He has found over time that this works more effectively than making up a specific list of materials prior to the course starting. This sometimes just causes anxiety, in the past, when students have been unable to purchase the materials on the kit list and sometimes buy ‘alternative’ that prove to be unsuitable. Better to know what you what and why you want it.

If you already have some watercolour painting equipment then please bring it to the first session.

Jason will have some painting equipment that can be used at the first session so you can try out watercolour.

Please bring a pencil, pen and paper to make notes.

If you are unable to purchase the course online then please send a cheque for £90

– made payable to; Painting with Skill to:

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To avoid disappointment – book early.

The event is finished.