Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 06 Dec 2024
  • Time: 05:00 - 07:00


St Gabriel's Ave, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 5QN


06 Dec 2024


10:00 - 12:00




Painting the sea has been a passion of Jason’s for many years. He began painting the sea in the early 90’s. Working on the spot has helped him understand the movement of the water, while exploring various painting methods in the studio has helped broaden out his technical knowledge of painting this genre. On this course he will be sharing much of considerable knowledge of painting the sea with you so that you too can gain a love of seascape painting.

Most of Jason’s seascape painting has been done using watercolours, but he has also used other painting and drawing mediums, so can advise you which ever medium you choose to use on the course.

On this course you will be shown ways to structure waves and create seascapes that have flow and rhythm within them – two of the key ingredients for capturing moving water convincingly. You will also be taken through a range of tricks and techniques that best capture sea foam, spray, deep glassy water and a whole host of other useful water elements.


Primary medium used – Watercolour

Additional mediums demonstrated – Gouache, acrylics and water soluble oils.


This course would suit a painter who has a little experience of painting

Day, location and time

Fridays from 10:00 to 12:00 at St Gabriels Church Hall, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne


12 weeks – see calendar

Starts the 13th of September 2024

Cost – £180

Why does Jason think this course would be of value to you as a painter ?

Painting the sea can be loads of fun, but it can also be difficult if you are struggling with some of the tricky technical aspects on your own. By undertaking this course you will quickly speed up your progress with seascape painting and createmore work of a higher quality. Painting the sea is also a fantastic way to see the true value of flow and rhythmn in your work. Seeing how elements of a painting can link seamlessly and lock together can make an impact on all aspects of your painting whatever the subject.

What will you do on the course ?

  • Discuss the key shapes and common compositions used in seascape painting
  • Flow and rhythmn promotion
  • Create a number of samples to try a variety of effects to mimic seascape alements – foam , spray etc.
  • Examine artists methods from the past who specialised in seascape
  • Draw out compositions and link effects and elements to be used – planning.
  • Create seascapes using the painting material of your choice.
  • Look at the style of watercolour seascape painting Jason developed and became known for.
  • Examine the stylistic look of seascape others have created and choose which you like best and try to create artwork that reflects that look.

What do you need to bring ?

Please bring your usual painting kit to the first class, plus a misting water spray bottle. Please note that you will need to bring a drawing board and water pots as these are not provided at the centre.

You will also need to bring a pen and pencil, eraser and sharpener, some drawing paper and watercolour paper to the first lesson as well as your painting kit.

If you are unable to purchase the course online then please send a cheque for £ 180

– made payable to; Painting with Skill to:

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To avoid disappointment – book early.

The event is finished.